On December 14th, 2008 a group of West Seattle residents came together to discuss how we could best affect positive change in our local, national and global community. A few of us knew each other. Most of us did not. We organized that initial meeting with the help of BarackObama.com. We really had no idea what to expect. Some came with an idea of which issues they deemed most important. Others did not. We had a very loose agenda and that was about all. The only thing we knew for sure was that there were other people in our community who wanted to help affect positive change in America.

We met at a local pub on an icy Sunday afternoon and brainstormed. In the end, we came up with some great ideas, primarily focused around the “greening” of West Seattle. While protecting the environment is its own reward, we imagine promoting sound stewardship of the environment in a manner that helps our community in other ways. We intend to promote and/or create programs that help our schools, our at-risk children, and food banks while also promoting a greener West Seattle. That sounds rather ambitious, we admit. Truth is, we’re still figuring out exactly what our goals and our greater mission will be.

This Web site has been created as a place to share ideas and to help us organize and promote our efforts.

One Response to “About Us”

  1. Aaron Hernandez Says:

    Good evening. I was just checking in with your group to see how things were going. Did you all ever find a direction? I hope things are well. I’m actually sending you a note to see if your group would be willing to assist me on a community project I’m working on. I am in need of volunteers to help me clear out and shape up a small plot of land for a p-patch here in West Seattle. You’re welcome to do it as a group or in some other fashion. Does this idea appeal to you? I really do need the volunteer support, and pretty quick as I have a grant deadline coming up really soon. I’d be grateful to hear from you either way. Thanks! Aaron

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